Kickstart at Home - No Equipment - Beginner

Kickstart at Home - No Equipment - Beginner

Let's train! 


In this 12-week program you will kickstart your foundation and stamina. 


Who is it for? 

Has it been more than 6 weeks? 6 months? a Year? Need something to just get you moving? This is the routine for you. 


Each 30 minute workout includes:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Strength training
  3. Cool-down
PhasePurpose# of weeks# of days
General PrepIntro to the exercises43
Intro to Strength Increase reps & weight43
MetabolicIntro to HIIT43

Powered by Bridge!

You will receive this program through BridgeAthletic delivered straight to your phone using the Bridge iOS and Android phone and tablet app. 


A few key benefits: 

  • Exercise videos and cues to walk you through every movement
  • Custom weight prescriptions based on your previous sets
  • Easy tracking in the app so you can see your progress in real time!
  • Daily readiness surveys to check in on how you're feeling and performing

Recommended Equipment: None!



Ready to train? Let's get started!


Join today and let's start training together!


Please visit and sign our Waiver before starting our program. Failing to sign the Waiver before beginning, by purchasing our program will act as your completion of the waiver. You may also visit our website to review the waiver.



We are a training team working people of all ages.

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